Rabu, 12 November 2014

kisi-kisi uts komunikasi bisnis 2014

kisi kisi :
1. pengertian komunikasi menurut beberapa tokoh
2. faktor ketepatan pesan
3. ketrampilan dalam komunikasi
4. komunikasi menurut pola
5. kelebihan dan kekurangan komunikasi

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

MANAJEMEN ASSET (new link for download)

Bagi yang masih belum bisa mendownload silahkan copy link berikut ini, kemudian buka di halaman web baru. (Jika memakai pc/laptop tidak bisa coba menggunakan gadget)


Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014


JAKARTA-PT Kereta Api Indonesia diminta lebih giat melakukan inovasi guna menambah kapasitas angkutan kereta barang sehingga bisa menekan ongkos logistik di tengah upaya pemerintah membangun jalur kereta hingga ke kawasan industri.
Sekretaris Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah Asosiasi Logistik dan Forwarder Indonesia (ALFI) Jawa Barat Trismawan Sanjaya mengatakan inovasi tersebut berupa modifikasi gerbong kereta khusus untuk pengangkutan kendaraan bermotor baik sepeda motor maupun mobil.
Saat ini, tuturnya, industri yang sedang berkembang di negeri kita adalah sektor otomotif. Namun, selama ini pengangkutannya masih banyak yang menggunakan moda truk. “Padahal jika menempuh perjalanan jauh, di atas 350 km, truk sangat tidak efisien dan lebih mahal ongkosnya,” ujarnya dalam diskusi Himpunan Mahasiswa Logistik STMT Trisakti, Selasa (7/10).
Bila Perlu, lanjutnya, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) bisa melakukan inovasi agar gerbong barang bisa dirancang dua susun sehingga kapasitas angkutan barang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan saat ini yang rerata satu rangkaian kereta membawa 30 kontainer 40 feetatau 60 kontainer 20 feet.
Menurutnya, moda KA memang jauh lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan moda truk untuk pengangkutan barang berjarak di atas 350 km karena lebih tepat waktu serta resiko kerusakan barang lebih rendah.

Sumber dan berita selengkapnya:
Bisnis Indonesia, edisi cetak 8 Oktober 2014


Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

download materi manajemen asset MLM A

Jika ada kendala dalam mendownload materi ini, silahkan di copy dulu link nya kemudian baru masukan ke alamat web.

1.perencanaan aset


3.konsep asset

4.pengantar asset

5.prinsip asset

Jika masih ada kendala dalam mendownload hubungi rendyprbw@gmail.com

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Distribution management functions
distribution management is to develop a strategy in line with the vision and mission of the company, based on various decisions related to moving things physical and non-physical in order to achieve company goals.
Physical supply functions (logistical function)
This function occurs after the exchange function. Physical supply functions associated with the physical process of moving goods from producer to consumer. There are four kinds of sub physical supply functions include:
  collection functions
As distribution channels, intermediaries perform the function of collecting goods from multiple sources or multiple kinds of goods from the same source.
For example, supermarkets can accommodate a variety of goods from multiple sources. If the distribution is performed by each source directly to the buyer, the transaction will be very much.

  storage function
Storage functions to create value in order to adjust the time between offers denganpermintaan. For new products, the traditional outlets usually have a strong position. Not infrequently they requested listing fee as do modern market manager.
  the selection function
The selection function is performed by the dealer in a way to classify, examine and determine the type of goods supplied. Types of consumer goods will mempanyuai different distribution channels with industrial goods. Relating to the quality of goods, the dealer also must decide whether to take all of the quality or only certain qualities.
  The function of the transport / transportation
Freight is a function of moving goods from place to place goods manufactured goods in consumption. In relation to transport, distribution channel members need to pay attention to the transportation decisions. Transport options will affect pricing of products, delivery performance and condition of the item sat the goods arrive at the destination. Here are the criteria for choosing a transportation model:
 Cost (cost): given a total amount of certain transportation to move products from origin to destination. There are 4 types of transport costs need diperhjatikan: (a) free on board plant, (b) free on board destrination, (c) zone pricing, (d) basing point pricing.
 transit time: total time in transporting goods
 Countability: konsistendi performance of the carrier to deliver the product on time with acceptable conditions.
 Ability: the ability of the carrier to move a certain item
 Reach: the ability of the carrier to move goods in a particular pathway or network.
 search: the relative ease with which a delivery location can be found and transferred.
Nowadays a lot of money was spent to develop the "last mile delivery system" to distribute goods to consumers in a short time, as an example of how this is done by domino's pizza.

  supporting functions
The function is intended to support the supporting terlaksnanya other functions. Which includes supporting functions are: (a) the service after purchase, (b) funding, (c) dissemination of information, (d) the coordination channel, (e) the payment
 Service after purchase
Durable goods such as cars, refrigerators and so requires the existence of a guarantee of service or after the goods are purchased. This warranty determining the quality of services provided by each member of the channel distribusi.sebagai example, Toyota not only sell the unit, but also giving attention and energy to the post-sale program.
 Funding
To have an item, whether consumers, distributors or manufacturers require some funds. In this case they should melksanakan finance function. Here are the basic things that need to be related to the formation of distribution costs: facilities, persediaam, tramsportasi, communication, dn unitization.
 Dissemination of information
Various kinds of information, especially related to changes in price and promotional activity is needed in the distribution channel. Promotional activities immediately delivered to the customer to make the customer feel tidakndikecewakan.
 channel condition
Coordination is done to organize all the institutions involved in the distribution channel. Coordination function is very berkaitn with information dissemination functions will facilitate the development and implementation of the technique in the disbursement.
 Payment
Payments are current payments to the seller for services rendered or products delivered.