Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Summary Discussion "Pameran transportasi 2015"


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Chairman school of management transport trisakti Mr.TJUK SUKARDIMAN.

Mr.tjuk answer question What is that transportation?
Transportation is a means to be used to move comodities such as humans, animal or goods from point of origin to point of destination.

In addition mr.tjuk sukardiman said if transportation is something that can not be separated from human life. Because the needs of people to move, make push transportation continues to grow until now, without transport humans find it difficult to do a day, as well as without human transportation can not carry anything. By ' cause that's Saying that to two things will always hand in hand for humans there are still in the world.

Chairman of ALFI Mr.yuki

In this discussion was also attended by the chairman of the alfi is sir yuki, sir yuki said in developing the system tranpsortation should be noted also commodities that excels in place that will be developed transport. According to the transportation and commodities are connected, commodities have to be distributed with transportation, as well as the role of transport there to distribute commoditie.
In addition he also said Indonesia need integrated transportation system, it is reasonable because indonesia is an archipelago. According to the system transpostation the integrated is the transportation system each other related, between modes of land transportation, sea, and air. He was as chairman of the alfi also expects that the mode of tansportasi train can be optimally used and modes of transportation train can go to the port and airport. Although there were no exact data on the decrease cost of logistics if a train in the port and airport, but at least these efforts will launch the activities of logistics.


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